RF Online releases Accretian song by Razorback!

RF Online Philippines commissioned veteran hard rockers Razorback to create a song based on the cyborg race, Accretia. Titled “Empire Accretia”, the song features heavy guitar riffs, pounding bass lines, furious drums and Kevin Roy’s trademarked voice.

The lyrics talks about the superiority and awesomeness of the Accretian Empire and its troops as seen from the eyes of its enemy. Being a certified RF Fanatic, Kevin Roy’s lyrics were true to the Accretian mythos and complements the game's overall experience.

The following is an interview with Kevin Roy, talking about the song and the new sound of Razorback featured on the song.

GM Gaea: In general, how did you prepare to write the song "Empire Accretia"?

Kevin Roy: I’ve actually been studying the Novus culture for over a year now. I got a hold of the RF Online presskit / history lesson in January 2006. From there I read up on the Cora culture and wrote a song (Birthright) with my other band, Loquy. After writing Birthright, I then moved on to write Empire Accretia.

GM Gaea: What did the others (the band) contribute to the song? Words or notes? Booze? :)

Kevin Roy: The band basically did the music because I can’t seem to play a musical instrument to save my life. They came up with the riff and we all pitched in with the arrangement. Tirso, one of our guitar players, came up with the line: “bastard sons of the techno demon!”. That was pretty much the kicker of the song. That did it for me. Oh yeah… Manuel, our other guitarist, came up with a kick-ass string arrangement for the song. I don’t think the song would be the same without it.

GM Gaea: What can you say about the song? What was your inspiration?

Kevin Roy: We tried to make the song “universal” in such a way that not only the players of RF Online would appreciate it. Pati na rin yung ibang listeners madadamay.
Basically, I remember being a noob in the game. Accretians would then come and trample us lowbies underfoot. I remember xipher and those other accretian bastards hurting me good. My lessons were taught in steel. “Fear” inspired this song. Halata naman sa lyrics yung “fear”. I hope the general public gets that feeling, too.

GM Gaea: Did you have to make adjustments on the overall sound of Razorback for this song? In what ways?

Kevin Roy: If at all there’s a difference in the Razorback sound, we’d have to attribute that to Manuel. Manuel is the guitar player of Wolfgang who recently joined us. He adds a different “metal” flavor to our generally blues-driven hard riffs. We didn’t really have to adjust with the sound, being that we’ve played together for the longest time. Kilala na namin si Manuel.

GM Gaea: You mentioned playing the game, how did your gaming experience influence you in writing this particular song?

Kevin Roy: My experience in Novus certainly helped me in getting the right feel for this song. I basically lived the part and it’s very evident that the perspective in which the song was written was that of a non-Accretian who lives in awe/fear of the machines.

GM Gaea: We heard you're a very loyal Corite. Did that make it hard for you to write a song for another race?

Kevin Roy: It was very hard for me to write a song for a race that basically wants to destroy me every time they see me. I respect that concept because it’s a game dynamic. Life wouldn’t be the same without those Bastards. =)

GM Gaea: Who else among the band play RF Online?

Kevin Roy: Currently none of my bandmates play. However I’ve been trying to corrupt others to play the game. It’s really not hard for people to get hooked on the game. All it takes is a few hours on it… and a few more hours…. And a few more hours… and a ….. cool.gif

Players will be able to enjoy the song when it’s applied to the game’s launcher early next month. Players can also tune in to NU 107 to listen to the song.



Bite Marks:
I am not going to be original this time, so all I am going to say that your blog rocks, sad that I don't have suck a writing skills
Bitten by Anonymous Anonymous on 2/21/10, 9:07 PM [ ]

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Bite Marks:
I am not going to be original this time, so all I am going to say that your blog rocks, sad that I don't have suck a writing skills
Bitten by Anonymous Anonymous on 2/21/10, 9:07 PM [ ]

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