Coming and going

When someone leaves you, it makes a room for another. If they were big, it'll make a room for two.

Don't mind me.

I just want to thank Rob.

You're an angel.


Bite Marks:
"if they were big" :P
Bitten by Anonymous Anonymous on 3/12/07, 11:50 PM [ ]

Thanks. Whoever you are.
Bitten by Blogger Morrigan on 3/13/07, 2:57 AM [ ]

Uh... you're welcome, Mai. Though I'm trying to think about what it is you're thanking me for ^_^ (ulyanin, sorry)

As for being an angel... there are several real angels who'd contest that statement xp
Bitten by Blogger Azure Phoenix on 5/2/07, 4:57 PM [ ]

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Bite Marks:
"if they were big" :P
Bitten by Anonymous Anonymous on 3/12/07, 11:50 PM [ ]

Thanks. Whoever you are.
Bitten by Blogger Morrigan on 3/13/07, 2:57 AM [ ]

Uh... you're welcome, Mai. Though I'm trying to think about what it is you're thanking me for ^_^ (ulyanin, sorry)

As for being an angel... there are several real angels who'd contest that statement xp
Bitten by Blogger Azure Phoenix on 5/2/07, 4:57 PM [ ]

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