Uninvited thoughts

It's hard to get rid of un-invited thoughts. *lol* "Now where did that come from?"

It's like your mind is clear focusing on what you're doing then the next thing you know, you're thinking of it, "Hey! You sneaky little thought!" It's pretty annoying. Once you get rid of it, it'll come back after a few. When you scrounge yourself for a reason naman, you can't find any! You'll be honest to yourself and ask yourself questions but answers isn't enough or doesn't make sense to suffice the reason why you keep on thinking about it. Am I still being dishonest?

You think of cutting yourself from the "tangible" source but that would be unfair to them not unless IF you tell them the reason. If you opt to tell, it'll be hard avoiding it since you encounter them almost everyday!

I know I'm not making any sense and it's best to leave it that way. I'm just airing my thought. I hope this won't be long.



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